This is the last thing I see right before going to school… I love Newgrounds
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This is the last thing I see right before going to school… I love Newgrounds
My man is tweaking tf out
Freaky ass nigga
Most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m in tears because of how moving this is to me. This song is so amazing, so amazing In fact, it has changed my life forever and it has made me a better man. After I listened to this I got my wife back and I have felt happier than ever and it also changed my pp size and made it bigger. When I have kids I will have them listen to this song so then when they get older and have kids their kids listen to it. I think I just nutted to this.
How did this not get front paged this is awesome
I love all of these character designs especially the ronin. He reminds me of a character from street fighter or tekken, actually all of these guys remind me of characters from those games.
I’m so bored right now *turns into bored ryo* now I’m more bored now
Bored ryo
Bored ryo
Bored ryo
me daddy’s balls
Joined on 10/20/24